Floating Pavilion

Floating Pavilion

Floating Pavilion on Drava River

Organized by Outsider magazine 2022

Team Members : Mohammad Tabatabaie, Behrang Chaichi

Main Idea

After studying the needs as well as the project context, the forthcoming design was done with 4 objectives:

1. Creating a multi-purpose space (single and group use) 2. Modular design and simultaneous use of ready-made products and local materials to reduce costs 3. Different design in appearance to be seen and invite people into the pavilion 4. Ability to easily and quickly transport the entire complex by river (elimination of land transport)

Form of the structure

The vault-shaped structure was selected for the structure of the roof of the raft and the main reason for that is the compatibility of its visuals with the historic bridge on the Drava River. On the other hand, selecting this form makes it developable along one axis and this can be an immense asset for the design. The nature of rafts makes the structure susceptible to vertical fluctuations, the vault-shaped structure provides adequate resistance and sustainability with it.

Comfort analysis

Due to the fact that most of the time people are in the pavilion during the hot summer hours. The analysis of the number of sunny hours was performed in two cases: 1. Structure 2.Structure and fabric cover. As a result, the great effect of this fabric cover on people’s comfort was revealed.

Structural system

As it is known tensegrity structures have a high absorption of stress under any circumstances. Due to the context of the structure being a raft floated on a river this can be a major advantage for the design. The low maintenance and build cost of this system adds to its value and also the ability to construct and deconstruct quickly is a massive factor of this system. This system by being modular helps the designer to choose and select the best modules to assign the certain envelope on them and in the design process, this can be a massive advantage.
